A second convoy of rescue vehicles departed for Ukraine

LUkraine asbl is happy to announce the second convoy of fire trucks and ambulances departed Luxembourg for Ukraine. This convoy includes six cars – 5 fire trucks and one ambulance with a total price of EUR 210 000. One of these fire trucks was graciously donated by Dudelange commune, and the rest were purchased with […]
Shelled by Russian army rescue vehicles in front of the European Parliament in Brussels

The installation of the fire truck and the ambulance that has been destroyed during the war in Ukraine keeps traveling around Europe. From 2 to 9 February 2023, it took place in front of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, at the heart of EU diplomacy, The installation reminded parliamentarians that the war in Ukraine […]
A fire truck and an ambulance reached Nikopol, Dinpropetrovsk region, Ukraine

The first convoy that arrived in Ukraine at the end of 2022 included 16 cars onboard – 12 ambulances and 4 fire trucks. 8 of these vehicles were provided by the Ministry of Interior of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the rest were purchased with individual donations and business contributions of companies based in Luxembourg. […]
Damaged Ambulance from Ukraine has been Exposed in Metz, France

Ukrainian rescue vehicles continue their Eurotrip to raise awareness of the consequences of the war in Ukraine and remind Europeans the war in Ukraine is still on. This ambulance car was shelled by Russian troops in a village in the Kharkiv region in September. Medical workers arrived to provide first aid to an injured civilian […]
3 Ambulances Reached Mykolaiv

Distorted by the sounds of explosions, ambulances were delivered to the city of Mykolaiv. Thank you to everyone who contributed an helped us to make it happen! The war in Ukraine is not over, please continue your support! Don’t decline lives.
Three Ambulances and Two Fire Trucks Reached Kharkiv, Ukraine

As was announced earlier, the first convoy of 16 rescue cars arrived in Ukraine at the beginning of December. We are pleased to report that the first 3 ambulances and 2 fire trucks were delivered to Kharkiv and now are ready to save people’s lives. Kharkiv has been under attack from the first minutes of […]
First “Ukraine is Calling” Convoy Arrived to Ukraine

Ukraine is calling to say thank you! We successfully accomplished our first transfer of 16 rescue vehicles from Luxembourg to Ukraine! It happened thanks to LUkraine team, our partners, donators and our volunteers! LUkraine volunteers team: Nicolas Zharov, Inna Yaremenko, Chenbau Kim, Eddie Berkovitch, Sasha Dyba, Mariya Kolesnik, Mariia Dulyk, Olga Oseledets, Tanya Zymogliad, Olena […]
The first Convoy with Rescue Vehicles Depart Luxembourg to Save Ukrainian Lives

On December 21 the first convoy with rescue vehicles for Ukraine departed from Luxembourg. This convoy included 16 cars – 12 ambulances and 4 fire trucks. 8 of these vehicles were provided by the Ministry of Interior of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the rest were purchased with individual donations and business contributions of companies […]
Corps Grand-Ducal Incendie & Securs (CGDIS) Donated Eight Fully-Equipped Ambulances

Corps Grand-Ducal Incendie & Securs (CGDIS), the Ministry of Home Affairs of Great Duchy of Luxembourg, handed over 8 fully equipped ambulances to Ukraine within a campaign Ukraine is Calling. These cars will be taken over by the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine once they reach their destination. Additionally, the Luxembourg government has decided to […]
Ukrainian Fire Truck Destroyed by Russian Landmine Installed in Luxembourg

On Friday, December 9, the official opening of the Ukrainian fire truck installation took place in Luxembourg. In March 2022 this firetruck exploded on a landmine in Kyiv’s residential suburb, 20 km from the city center while the crew was extinguishing the fire. As a result of this tragedy, 2 fire tracks were destroyed, 8 […]