Destroyed by russian troops ambulance is exhibited in Austria

This bullet-ridden ambulance, shot in 2022, is a horrifying symbol of russian aggression. Despite their denials, russia’s actions speak volumes—they target civilians, doctors, and rescuers. With YOUkraine and Unlimited Democracy – Verein zur Förderung der Demokratisierung, as part of LUkraine asbl’s “Ukraine is calling” campaign, we brought this stark evidence to Vienna. On the second anniversary of the full-scale […]
The destroyed ambulance from Ukraine was exhibited in London

The ambulance LUkraine brought from Ukraine to Luxembourg as part of the UkraineisCalling project is now being exhibited in the United Kingdom. For over 10 years of Russia’s war against Ukraine, thousands of brave Ukrainian medics have provided critical care to all those affected by Russian weapons, from soldiers to ordinary citizens and children. Despite their noble […]

On November 7th, in Brussels, LUkraine received an immense recognition from the European Parliament—the European Parliament’s Citizen’s Prize—for its Ukraine is Calling project. Previously, LUkraine was honored with the prize by the European Parliament representation in Luxembourg. The award ceremony at the European Parliament Headquarters in Brussels brought together representatives of 25 winning projects. This […]
LUkraine Wins the Prize from the European Parliament

On October 20, an award ceremony for the European Citizen’s Prize winners took place in the Foyer European. This year, 216 applicants submitted their projects, and ‘Ukraine is Calling’, a project by LUkraine, was one of the 25 winners. While the list of winners was announced in June, the award ceremonies are taking place in […]
Frank Wilde, a wardrobe stylist and costume designer from Berlin, supported ‘Ukraine is Calling’ Campaign

Starting two days before the full-scale invasion and continuing to this day, Frank Wilde has been sharing photos on his page featuring Ukrainian symbols or the Ukrainian flag. Frank is a sincere friend of Ukraine, and we were honored to invite him to Luxembourg to share more about the LUkraine’s projects. Behind Frank, you can […]
‘Ukraine is Calling’ Fire Truck Helps Rescures in Kharkiv

When we say that your donations save lives, we’re not exaggerating. In the video, you can see a rescue vehicle provided as part of the Ukraine is Calling project, clearing debris after a Russian rocket strike in Kharkiv in October 2023.
‘Ukraine is Calling’ Was Presented in United Kingdom

On September 19-20, LUkraine joined The Emergency Services Show in the UK, thanks to an invitation from our partner, Venari Group UK. We showcased our project Ukraine is Calling alongside our exclusive partner in the UK, Ukraine Charity, exploring collaboration opportunities with potential donors. Our President, Nicolas Zharov, joined Oliver North, deputy CEO of Venari […]
The 47th emergency vehicle has arrived to Ukraine

In August, 47th vehicle arrived in Ukraine as part of the UkraineIsCalling initiative. Withinthe program, LUkraine with partners has delivered 37 ambulances and 10 fire trucks toUkraine. Some of these vehicles are armored to operate effectively in areas subjected toconstant shelling, and they are already saving lives in Kharkiv, Kherson, Odesa,Mykolaiv, and Donetsk regions.We want […]
European Investment Bank Donates Three Ambulances to Ukraine

The European Investment Bank has joined the project by generously donating three ambulances to Ukraine. These ambulances are already making a significant impact, saving innocent Ukrainian lives. We extend our deepest gratitude to the European Investment Bank for their invaluable contribution and unwavering support!
The Directorate of Defence hands over 14 armoured ambulances in the frame of the ‘Ukraine is Calling’ campaign

On March 9, 2023, the Luxembourg Directorate of Defence organised an official ceremony to hand over 14 armoured ambulances to the “Ukraine is Calling” campaign. These vehicles were custom-made by Venari Group, the UK’s leading manufacturer of emergency vehicles. The first eight vehicles were delivered from the UK to Luxembourg and handed over to LUkraine […]